Power Drinks

May 27, 2008

Skin Glow Bedtime Drink

Skin Glow Recipe:

1scoop anti-aging powder (ReversAge)

1cup cold water

2 ice cubes

Shake mixture vigorously. Drink 1 to 2 hrs before bedtime. Drink 5nights a week, rest for 2nights.

Sleep your way to glowing skin.

Why this works?

Recent breakthroughs in anti-aging research:

7KETO: a potent, natural metabolite of DHEA, the most abundant hormone in the human body. 7KETO is the result of 10-year research project at the University of Winconsin under the direction od Dr. Henry A. Lardy, Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Enzyme Research.

SYMBIOTROPIN GROWTH HORMONE RELEASER: promotes the body to release its own hGH

SAM-e (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine) : long sold in Europe by prescription to support mood and joint health.

Antioxidant Complex:

Co Enzyme Q10, Resveratrol, Gingko Biloba, Maca, Glutathione, Omega 3, L-Methionine are only a few of the anti-aging ingredients.


Weight Loss, Muscle tone and body contour, strength and endurance, enhanced sexual function and desire, skin tone and appearance as skin begins to thicken and become more elastic, restoration of hair color and luster, improved eyesight, greater resistance to illness, greater emotional stability, with an improved outlook and motivation, and improvement with many serious health challenges.

Note: with proper diet and exercise, results may be faster and pronounced.

While you sleep, Reliv ReversAge works to repair the damage caused by time, allowing a younger you to shine.

Where to buy ReversAge?

email: ask@momsclinic.com

Recommended Reading:

Hear Audio Sample Here

In YOU: The Owner’s Manual they showed how the human body works in general, and in YOU: On a Diet, they explained how bodies lose weight and stay fit; both books have sold in the millions

April 7, 2008

Anti-aging Strawberry Smoothie


200ml cold water

1ripe banana

6 fresh strwberries or 1tbsp strawberry syrup

1tbsp powdered milk

1scoop high-quality protein powder (I use Reliv Now)

4 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients. Serve with straw.

Nutrition info: Reliv Now contains 72 vitamins, minerals, herbs and a complete digestible profile of essential amino acids. All needed by 70billion cells to switch off accelerated aging mode. Try it today.

January 7, 2008

Banana and Yogurt Mood Drink

Bananas make you merry!!!Just 100g (4oz) supply 1.7g serotonin. This important neurotransmitter makes you serene and resistant to stress and puts you in a good mood. Bananas are good fruit for people who lead high-stress lives because they soothe gastric complaints and fortify mucous membranes.

Try this smoothie, check yourself at the end of the day if you feel grumpy:

1ripe banana

1cup yogurt (live culture is best for its pro-biotics) Nestle unsweetend is good choice

1scoop high-quality protein powder (Reliv Classic)

1cup low fat milk

3 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients and sip your way to happiness!!! 

Nutrition Profile:

Low calorie/High Fiber/Low Sodium/Low Cholesterol/Heart Healthy

This drink contains:

Probiotics, Brain Boosters, Digestible Protein with a complete profile of essential and non-essential amini acids, 72 Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Antioxidants.

Editor’s Pick:

Reliv Classic

a high-quality protein powder drink enhanced with high-potency vitamins, and broad-spectrum antioxidants.

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